I fell into this looking for the origin of “tall tale”. I was pleasantly amused by the smooth flow of answers & gentle comradery. Everyone so short & precise.
I have difficulty making long stories short, or would it be making tall stories short or small?
I believe the German ‘toll’ has a clear
relationship with the Bearlá na Sassenach (Saxon’s Anglish)word ‘tall’. Tall & toll are homonyms.
Central & upstate NYers say Merry Merry got merried. NYCers say Merry Mary got married (Merree mare-ee got Mah(r)reed.)
You all know that English is an Eater of Tongues, right?
I believe you are all right, & together have flushed out the pheasant in the blush. Or bloomin’ Bush. It’s tail fathered out like a fan.
Tall, tell, tale are so close it is easy to see them morph
back & forth into each other though because at an
esoteric level they are related.
English being an obviously young, prominent & the
dominant language in the world at this time.
English gobbles up words like a chicken, grain. I foresee a spreading of a form of Chinglish dialect being absorbed
into our relatively young English, like all the others it has souped into its stew. However the Chinese might feel. On
many levels the proliferation of English & its baby brother, American, a sign the world is indeed shrinking.
I believe you are all correct, IMHO, however I disagree
about the word Telltale. A telltale is an informant, a
tattletale rat. It implies someone who is a gossip or loose lipped. In the UK & Nothern Ireland they are called
Supergrass. It is supposed to be derived from ‘snake in
the grass’ or traitor.
The Irish or Gaelic word for ‘tall’ is ‘ard’, meaning ‘high’
as in Ard Righ(ree) or High King. Probably the root of our word Art as the Latin is a derivative of the Celtic, an older civilization the Romans grew to conquer & absorb.
So tall & high are synonyms. There is also a term (sorry,
I’m an hereditary keeper of the lore)High Tales, which indicates it is not going to be a ‘low’ tale, & possibly
will be of important & intrinsic value.
High Tales are wondrous & magical. Tall tales are amusing
& hopefully enjoyable. What tale are we all serving?
Pin the tail on the... Do tell. Love & Light. Gra agus Solas.