I realize some native speakers will create a new sound when linking s/z and y [j]. For example:

Miss you = [mɪʃuː] "mishu"

As you = [/æʒuː] "azhu"

Is it okay if I just say [mɪsjuː] for "miss you" and [æzjuː] for "as you"? Do native speakers always do that specific linking sound? Is it stigmatized in any way?

  • 1
    Discussed some here: Are what-cha and arent-cha examples of elision?
    – herisson
    Commented Feb 13, 2016 at 21:31
  • 3
    It's acceptable, and will not raise any eyebrows; but there is usually a slight retention of the original sibilant (elided miss you does not sound exactly like tissue), and if you don't reproduce that it will sound a little odd. And I see no reason why you spend any effort trying to reproduce the elision when the unelided pronunciation is just as acceptable. Put your energy somewhere else. Commented Feb 13, 2016 at 22:07

1 Answer 1


Yes, except perhaps for the devoicing of [j], all of the changes from [sj] to [ʃ] are optional, so far as I can tell. We have [mɪsju], [mɪsj̥u], [mɪsçu], [mɪsʃu], [mɪʃʃu], [mɪʃu] by various assimilations. It's interesting to try characterizing the differences from "I miss shoes", "I miss Hughes".

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