Please help me to choose one of the three variants listed below. I need to know which one sounds better and fresher. And if no one sounds good, I need to know it. As I’m not a native speaker of English, it’s a bit difficult to feel the nuances.
What I mean to say with these phrases is that there’s some innovative technology that permits everyone to find and choose any kind of good or service faster and more effectively than ever before. It’s a kind of revolution in the process of searching and choosing—a new approach.
The variations I have are:
- revolution of choice
- choice revolution
- revolution in choice
Which, if any, of these best expresses my meaning?
) instead of apostrophes (’
). Backticks are used to make text look like computer code, as you can see in your question. They are not used in English text. I have fixed it in your question (and improved the writing) for now.