... Virginia has sustaind a very serious loss which all good men will long lament, in the death of Mr Henry. He is said to have expird on thursday last. The intelligence is not absolutely certain but scarcely a hope is entertaind of its untruth. With the most respectful attachment I remain Sir your obedt Servt ... (Source)
Could someone please explicate entertain[e]d of? My guess would be:
"a hope is scarcely entertain[e]d due to/owing to its untruth".
I appealed to these websites for an archaic definition. Howbeit, thefreedioctionary.com may be dubitable:
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Addition on Nov 1st: I thought to afford some instantiations of "scarcely entertain a hope of" which had perplexed me before Andrew Leach's sterling answer: Google Books, Example 1, Example 2.