I wrote a sentence that didn't sound right to my ears.
As a leader, he did not act accordingly.
What I intended to say was:
even though he was the leader, he did not act accordingly, as he has all the time.
But it sounded like:
because he was the leader, he did not act accordingly and was supposed to do so (was supposed to not act accordingly".
See the problem?
However, I am not a native speaker, and the semantic validity is sometimes hard to exactly comprehend, so I just showed it to my friend (native) and he though it sounded just fine. But I did not think that he understood the intention of the sentence, so I came up with an alternate sentence, which sounded more valid than the previous one.
Even as a leader, he did not act accordingly.
This time, my friend disapproved of the sentence, saying he didn't like this "even" in front of "as". This got me confused.
Does my first sentence align more with the meaning I intended than the second sentence, or does the second sentence sound more like what I meant to say than the first one?