I want to find a way of saying something like...

[...] I am willing to fund my move to [insert country's name here] myself to make up for [...]

... in a natural way.

I am pretty positive a native English speaker would understand what I mean by 'my move' but I am not sure whether it sounds natural - or even it is correct.

I know many ways of saying similar things in English, such as I am going to move to Ohio or I moved to Canada last year but I don't see how I can put it in a way where the act of moving is a 'noun' (?) so that I can say I'm willing to fund it myself.

  • 3
    Yes it's fine. 'Relocation' is also used in place of 'move'.
    – Marv Mills
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 13:24
  • 1
    You didn’t ask, but unless you’ve got a particular reason for using “fund” (e.g., you’re planning on running a “fund my move” campaign with friends/family/[gullible] internet strangers) you could also consider replacing “fund” with “pay for” (especially with “my move to”) or perhaps “bear/incur the expense/costs of” with the more formal “my relocation to.”
    – Papa Poule
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 14:02
  • 1
    Wow, that's an interesting point. I didn't realize 'fund' means only to raise money to accomplish a goal. Thought it could also mean 'pay for'. I love when ppl point out this sort of mistake, it's a great opportunity for me to learn subtle details about English :) I'll defo replace 'fund' by one of your suggestions. Thank you.
    – user83440
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 14:30
  • 1
    I didn't mean to say that your use of "fund" for "pay for" was a mistake or that it can only mean "raising money." Including "myself" as you did makes it pretty clear that it means "pay for [myself]," just as you thought. Sorry for the confusion! I just thought that "fund" sounded a bit 'weird' & that my suggestions might be a little more 'idiomatic.' You could also consider "finance." Also, to avoid repeating "myself" right after saying "my move/relocation", you could instead add "own" between "my" and "move" and omit "myself": "willing to fund/finance/pay for my own move."
    – Papa Poule
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 15:13
  • Oh I get it now - thanks for pointing it out, really appreciate it. I hadn't noticed the repetition of 'my + myself' - so had not considered using 'own' instead of 'myself' - thanks for pointing this out too. Will update my letter with your suggestions :)
    – user83440
    Commented Jan 8, 2016 at 14:45

2 Answers 2


I am willing to fund my relocation to France in order to facilitate etc...

"Relocation" is a an especially good word to use when you are talking about moving to another place for the purposes of employment.


Examples that I can think of:


I will relocate to country

Informal (North 'Murican way):

I will pull up stakes and go to country


I will move to country

Saying you're going to "move to country" is the most common, most natives, at least in America, say "move to".

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