If there has ever been a man who has been faced with challenges of opposition both at home and away, then it is King David. First of all his father completely forgot about him when a prophet came calling at their house and enquired of him. Later he was asked to go home and tend to sheep by his brothers when he went to visit them on a battlefield. Then he had to kill a giant to prove he was not a dog like he was referred to. He later had to flee his home because his father in-law, King Saul wanted to kill him.There are people like that in the world of work too. [...]
Source: hrfocusuniverse.com
If there has ever been a man who has been able to change the destiny of millions, it is none other than Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last prophet of Allah (God for some). Michael H. Hart, who wrote the book ‘100 most influential people in the world‘ in 1978, lists Prophet Muhammad at the top of his list because according to him Prophet Muhammad had done the most to influence the world.
Source: myultimatedecision.info
Trump tried to pass a real infrastructure bill for two years. And if there has ever been anyone who has been president in the history of this nation who knew more about infrastructure than Trump I cannot imagine who it might be. Eisenhower, maybe? Maybe?
Source: acecomments.mu.nu
What does the present perfect convey in these sentences that the past simple doesn't? If someone could explain to me, why would the authors of these excerpts prefer the present perfect over the past simple?
I would expect to read "If there has ever been a man / anyone who was"... rather then 'has been' when it comes to referring to someone who doesn't exist anymore.