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May 12 at 21:20 comment added TimR The subjunctive is not carried over into the relative clause: It is crucial that there BE (yes) someone that MAINTAIN (no) order.
May 10 at 12:48 answer added PaulTanenbaum timeline score: 4
May 10 at 12:01 answer added LPH timeline score: 0
May 10 at 8:20 comment added Stuart F English speakers definitely wouldn't use the subjunctive in most of these cases. In particular you've misunderstood the "she needs" expression: it takes a noun, here modified by a subordinate clause with "that". But this is a complex question. I suggest you look at each of your examples and try and think why it might need a subjunctive in English. Or try and break the question down some other way: some of these issues are already covered in questions. As it is, you seem to be asking for every verb English might possibly the subjunctive with, which is too big a topic for a question.
May 10 at 7:55 comment added Shoe It would be helpful if you could cite one or other of the manuals that you refer to and, ideally, include relevant passges that support your "secondary confirmation". In advance of a useful answer, I will just note that only the "crucial" sentences correctly use the (mandative) subjunctive in English.
S May 10 at 6:57 review First questions
May 10 at 7:32
S May 10 at 6:57 history asked algo CC BY-SA 4.0