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Here is the complete list of things that humanity has managed to fulfill so far according to the actual usage stats from the British National Corpus (BNC)British National Corpus (BNC):

And here is an even more generous list of the top 200 nouns that ever follow fulfill in the entire Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA):

Here is the complete list of things that humanity has managed to fulfill so far according to the actual usage stats from the British National Corpus (BNC):

And here is an even more generous list of the top 200 nouns that ever follow fulfill in the entire Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA):

Here is the complete list of things that humanity has managed to fulfill so far according to the actual usage stats from the British National Corpus (BNC):

And here is an even more generous list of the top 200 nouns that ever follow fulfill in the entire Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA):

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Wowie, what a train wreck this has been so far. He said, she said. People quoting conflicting dictionary definitions at each other and whatnot. Thinking up convoluted arguments and getting all agitated at one another.

Well then. Let them have their fun. Meanwhile the rest of us, how about we'll just have a quick look at the reality of the language.

Here is the complete list of things that humanity has managed to fulfill so far according to the actual usage stats from the British National Corpus (BNC):

REQUIREMENTS        3    
PROMISES            3    
ROLE                3    
PROMISE             2    
FUNCTION            2    
COMMITMENTS         2    
ROLES               2    
CONDITIONS          2    
WISH                1    
WILL                1    
TASK                1    
PURPOSES            1    
DREAMS              1    
DEMANDS             1    
DEMAND              1    
CRITERIA            1    
POSITION            1    
PLAN                1    
OBLIGATIONS         1    
NEED                1    
IDEA                1    

And here is an even more generous list of the top 200 nouns that ever follow fulfill in the entire Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA):

PROMISE             209  
DREAM               124  
MISSION             112  
OBLIGATIONS         104  
NEEDS               95   
ROLE                89   
PROMISES            85   
REQUIREMENTS        77   
DUTIES              74   
DREAMS              64   
EXPECTATIONS        63   
POTENTIAL           63   
OBLIGATION          62   
ROLES               50   
NEED                45   
DESTINY             45   
COMMITMENTS         45   
DUTY                38   
COMMITMENT          35   
FUNCTION            32   
GOALS               32   
PURPOSE             32   
MANDATE             31   
DESIRES             27   
REQUIREMENT         27   
OBJECTIVES          27   
VISION              27   
GOAL                26   
FUNCTIONS           25   
CONTRACT            25   
PART                23   
DEMANDS             22   
CONDITIONS          21   
PROPHECY            21   
PURPOSES            19   
DESIRE              18   
LIFE                17   
AMBITIONS           15   
WISHES              15   
PLEDGE              15   
TASK                14   
REQUEST             14   
OBJECTIVE           13   
CRITERIA            13   
HOPES               13   
FANTASIES           12   
MISSIONS            12   
TASKS               12   
TERMS               11   
ORDERS              11   
REQUESTS            11   
FANTASY             11   
COURSE              11   
ASPIRATIONS         11   
CONTRACTS           10   
FATHER              10   
OATH                10   
WISH                10   
VOW                 10   
STATE               9    
PRESIDENT           9    
DEMAND              9    
AMBITION            9    
LAW                 8    
LEADERSHIP          8    
PLEDGES             8    
ORDER               8    
MOTHER              7    
AGENDA              7    
COMMUNITY           7    
CHILDHOOD           7    
AGREEMENT           6    
ASSIGNMENT          6    
INFORMATION         6    
FAMILY              6    
PROPHECIES          6    
QUOTAS              6    
TEACHING            6    
SIDE                6    
WILL                6    
TRUST               6    
SECURITY            5    
RIGHTS              5    
PLANS               5    
PRODUCTION          5    
PROFESSION          5    
NUMBER              5    
EXPECTATION         5    
END                 5    
IDEALS              5    
GRADUATION          5    
LONGING             5    
CHARGE              5    
COMMANDMENT         5    
COMMISSIONS         5    
DEFINITION          5    
CONDITION           5    
CALLING             4    
CHARTER             4    
CAREER              4    
AGENCY              4    
AGREEMENTS          4    
MANDATES            4    
LIVES               4    
LEGACY              4    
HEART               4    
HOPE                4    
DESTINIES           4    
EDUCATION           4    
PARTY               4    
PEOPLE              4    
READER              4    
PUBLIC              4    
PLAN                4    
SCHOOL              4    
SCRIPTURE           4    
SENSE               4    
VOWS                4    
VOCATION            4    
VISIONS             3    
WHIMS               3    
RIGHT               3    
TREATY              3    
WORK                3    
SCIENCE             3    
TEACHER             3    
SPONSOR             3    
STANDARD            3    
STANDARDS           3    
STUDENT             3    
STUDENTS            3    
RANGE               3    
PARENTS             3
MANAGEMENT          3    
MR                  3    
ELECTION            3    
ENERGY              3    
GENDER              3    
IDEAL               3    
HEALTH              3    
GUIDELINES          3    
INTENTION           3    
JOB                 3    
BUSINESS            3    
CHILD               3    
COMPANY             3    
COMMISSION          3    
COMMANDS            3    
CHILDREN            3    
CHURCH              3    
CORE                3    
CRITERION           3    
DAY                 3    
DEGREE              3    
CRIME               3    
DEAL                3    
DESIGN              2    
DEATHBED            2    
DEBT                2    
CUSTOMER            2    
CONSUMER            2    
CITIZENSHIP         2    
CITY                2    
CLASS               2    
CHOICE              2    
COMMANDMENTS        2    
CLIENT              2    
COLLEGE             2    
COMMAND             2    
BULK                2    
ASSESSMENT          2    
BODY                2    
AIM                 2    
AIMS                2    
ACHIEVEMENT         2    
JUDGMENT            2    
INTENTIONS          2    
INTEREST            2    
INTERESTS           2    
KIND                2    
INTENT              2    
LICENSE             2    
LOAN                2    
LOT                 2    
HISTORY             2    
HUMANITY            2    
IMAGE               2    
IMPERATIVE          2    
INDIVIDUAL          2    
INJUNCTION          2    
GALA                2    
GOVERNANCE          2    
GOVERNMENT          2    
EXECUTIVE           2   
POWERS              1    

Note that this list includes not just direct objects of the verb fulfill, but just any nouns that follow it, i.e. also noun modifiers of its actual objects. You can't really fulfill a mister or a deathbed or a college or a mother. But you can fulfill Mr Smith's requirements, or a deathbed wish, or a college's needs, or your mother's dream. That's how all these weird hits end up on the list. I was thinking about cleaning these up, and might still do that as time permits, but in the mean time they actually help drive home the following point:

The word "value" is nowhere to be seen.

So not only has nobody ever fulfilled a value. Nobody has ever so much as fulfilled a value requirement or a value goal or a value need or a value anything.

In conclusion, what you have is not English as she is spoke or wrote. You can't use it. If you did, you might actually be the very first person, on either side of the pond, to have ever done so.