Which is correct?
Given 240kph240 kph (240 kilometres per hour) = 149mph149 mph (149 miles per hour)
How does one say this?
-240kph240 kph equal 149mph149 mph.
-240kph240 kph equals 149mph149 mph.
-240kph240 kph is equal to 149mph149 mph.
-240kph240 kph are equal to 149mph149 mph.
Is 240kph240 kph singular or plural (kilometre or kilometres)?
Or 240kph240 kph is a separate kind of thing?
edit note. I have deleted all spaces, periods, and parentheticals above. The reason is that a quantity and symbol can take a different tense than a quantifier and unit expression abbreviation. The ongoing edits were changing the grammar of the sentences. A symbol is grammatically inert. An abbreviation is not.
It might be worth considering the alternative sentences using abbreviations.
They may well have a different answer.
-240 kph. equal 149 mph.
-240 kph. equals 149 mph.
-240 kph. is equal to 149 mph.
-240 kph. are equal to 149 mph.