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This tag is for questions seeking a single word that fits a meaning. To ensure that your question is not closed as off-topic, please be specific about the intended use of the word.  INCLUDE A SAMPLE SENTENCE demonstrating how the word would be used.  Click on "Info", or "View Tag" and "Learn more..." for more information. Please use the [phrase-requests] tag if you seek a phrase and the [terminology] tag if you seek a term in a specialized subject also.

7 votes

What term means "one who enjoys learning"?

Rather than 'philosopher', there is an Ancient Greek word: 'philosophos' - meaning 'lover of wisdom' (from philein ‘to love’ + sophos ‘wise’). 'Autodidact' is one possibility. Although it literally m …
Kit Tona's user avatar
  • 392
1 vote

What is an English noun for whom you have a conversation with?

Perhaps it would work for you to use something as simple as "Speaker", with an identifier if necessary, e.g. Speaker A, Speaker B etc. "Conversant" is problematic because it has another, more common …
Kit Tona's user avatar
  • 392
-1 votes

Smug know-it-all, but not quite

Your friend sounds as if he could be described as a "solipsist". or perhaps even a "narcissist". Solipsism in Philosophy refers to the theory that one only experiences one's self, therefore that is a …
Kit Tona's user avatar
  • 392