Possible Duplicate:
When should I use “a” vs “an”?
“a” or “an” for words that don't start with vowels but sound like they're starting with a vowel
On some forum today I referred to myself as a English nerd. Now I'm wondering whether maybe I'm an English nerd.
My gut feeling tells me that there is a slight nuance in meaning between the two phrases and that even though the general rule is to use an in front of a word starting with a vowel, I think a is more appropriate in this case.
The a in a English nerd refers to the word nerd and the adjective is only added to denote the type of nerd that I am.
Whereas using the phrasing an English nerd would imply that I am a nerd who happens to be English (I'm not).
Now, my question is: Did I analyze this correctly and is there in fact a nuance in meaning? Or should I have used an English nerd to comply with the general "a versus an" rule?