I found one use of the phrase on a Prince fan site's discussion of the Beastie Boys[discussion of the Beastie Boys][1]. This is from an 8/16/11 post from user Cerebus (quoted in full in honor of MCA):
I found the annoyance sense of the phrase at a Yahoo Answers question[Yahoo Answers question][2] from a woman divorcing her husband and looking to sell his baseball card collection. This is the top-voted answer:
-One thing which frosted my pickle was no internet,and no wireless.In 2011 this inexcusable[One thing which frosted my pickle was no internet,and no wireless.In 2011 this inexcusable][3]
-I kept getting hassled by guys who thought they were smoooooooooooooth… their primary means of greeting females being to smack them on the butt. This really just frosted my pickle.[I kept getting hassled by guys who thought they were smoooooooooooooth… their primary means of greeting females being to smack them on the butt. This really just frosted my pickle.][4]
-I showed up for the meeting only to discover that it had been rescheduled. Now that really frosted my pickle![I showed up for the meeting only to discover that it had been rescheduled. Now that really frosted my pickle!][5]
I'd say the annoyance meaning wins out. Still no clue where it comes from, but it's definitely out there.
Edit #2:
After a little more looking around, I've found that the construction:
Well, don't that just frost your [fill in the blank]!
is a fairly common US colloquialism used to express annoyance or, more specifically, sympathy for someone being annoyed or vexed. In addition to pickles, the various things being frosted in these expressions [include][6]: flakes (after the cereal), balls (testicles), knuckles, feathers, asses, hides, and cakes.
I kept thinking this referred to frost as in damaged by cold, but this last one may hold a clue. These phrases could be a sarcastic reworking of the idiom
[the frosting (icing) on the cake][7]
by humorously emphasizing the unnecessary aspect of what has just happened. However, NOAD also has [this][8] informal definition of frost:
anger or annoy
such discrimination frosted her no end
So the question remains, is this informal use of frost a result of these colloquialisms or did frost carry this meaning before these colorful sayings were developed? [1]: http://prince.org/msg/8/364998 [2]: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090129081522AAFRrVG [3]: http://www.expedia.com/Maui-Island-Hotels-Kaanapali-Ocean-Inn.h1579462-p8.Hotel-Reviews [4]: http://justgerbil.wordpress.com/author/justgerbil/page/15/ [5]: http://lacubrious.blogspot.com/2005/07/late-night-wednesday.html [6]: https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=to%20frost%20one%27s%20pickle&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=%22if%20that%20don%27t%20just%20frost%22&hl=en&prmd=imvns&ei=0cG2T_7RIeKL2AXq_tCxCQ&sqi=2&start=10&sa=N&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=19da35cdae5ee6d6&biw=1280&bih=705 [7]: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/icing?region=us&q=icing%20on%20the%20cake#icing__4 [8]: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/frost?region=us&q=frost