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Oct 21 at 20:47 history migrated to
Oct 21 at 15:57 comment added Lambie Why not just "the word in red"?
Oct 20 at 9:56 history edited Greybeard CC BY-SA 4.0
Oct 20 at 9:55 comment added Greybeard @schtandard I can't quite follow. 1. an adverb is not appropriate Why not? Is beautifully not an adverb? As the question is about adverbs of colour, I thought it would be reasonably obvious that "colour adverb" was implied... Obviously, I was wrong. I will add to my answer for your benefit.
Oct 19 at 21:34 comment added schtandard I can't quite follow. 1. an adverb is not appropriate Why not? Is beautifully not an adverb? 2. redly does not mean "in red." What does it mean then? M-W defines it as in a red manner, with red color. 3. Relatedly: "The redly highlighted word caught her eye." is not the same as "The word highlighted in red caught her eye." What does the first one mean, then?
Oct 19 at 19:58 history answered Greybeard CC BY-SA 4.0