In the following sentence as an example : "he"He sweated it out until the lab report was back", What does "it" refer to in "sweated it out"?
I have just seen the example "if it wasn't for Amber.." which looks like "Without Amber .."it wasn't for Amber…" whose meaning is "Without Amber…". How could we change "I swaetedsweated it out" so as to make itits meaning more obvious like Amber's example?
English is a foreign language for me and I have no problem understanding the Amber's example. The example"Iexample "I lost it" could be understood as I lost control or composercomposure. In the same way, how couldcan I understand the sentence in my question which sounds very alien to me as a frenchFrench and Arabic speaker.? I'm interested in the etymology or grammar of it, or in which way could it be transformed.