miscellany (n.)
A group or collection of different items; a mixture.
Next comes a corridor where a miscellany of drawings, a small but exquisite textile and two engraved gems, one of Lorenzo the Magnificent and one of Savonarola, are displayed.
Curry House serves about 14 kinds of curry using a miscellany of ingredients, among them chicken, pork, beef and peeled shrimp. Lexico
A miscellany of things is a collection or group of many different kinds of things. Collins
Two up-to-date department stores, the one modern hotel, the leading motion picture house, and a miscellany of smaller shops and restaurants give the feeling of a shopping area. Federal Writer's Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of N.J.; New Jersey, a Guide to Its Present and Past (2007)
In addition to their load of passengers, aircraft bound for the South American countries carried express equaling several hundred tons in weight — clothing, gold and silver bullion, chickens, drugs, jewelry, films, and a miscellany of articles too numerous to mention. Can the United States Retain Latin American Trade and Cultural Relations Against German, Italian, and Japanese Competition? (1939)