I'd consider defection (an act or incidence of "abandoning or turning against; ceasing or changing one's loyalty") suitable in the context you describe, on the basis that when "knowledgeable people change jobs ... or leave the company ... without imparting that knowledge to others", they have acted disloyally. Also consider betrayal, as to betray has a sense meaning "To prove faithless or treacherous to, ... ; to be false to; to deceive; as, to betray a person or a cause."
Both defection andThe term betrayalbrain drain are moreis less emotionally-loaded terms than isare defection and brain drainbetrayal. Note, the The referenced wikipedia article uses a still more passionless phraseterm with even less passion in it, "human capital flight"human capital flight. It It also mentions converse term brain gain and related terms brain circulation and brain waste.