Wikipedia and Wiktionary still don't know that "complex objects" exist. As far as I can tell from cursory googling, it's just a term some teachers use to describe any object with some modifiers attached. It's not a very useful concept, since there are several completely different constructions that make predicates more complicated. Using one term as a catch-all can create a false sense of understanding.
In any case, it looks like the term for this construction is secondary predicate. Wikipedia also seems to group several ideas under that heading, but they all have the structure of action verb + [object] + adjective:
- All men are created equal.
- His speech left me cold.
- She shot him dead.
- He ran himself ragged.
In this case, push is a bog standard verb for doors; click (=made ~ go 'click') is just a descriptive word for whatever action caused that noise to be made. In this case, there's probably a light latch.
In your examples, the extra adjective at the end is describing the result ofstate resulting from the action: He ~ the door [so thatand then it was] shut... He ~ the door [so thatand then it was] open... You could also understandthink about the second one by thinking of it asstructure in a limitfew other ways: He ~ the door [so that it was] shut... She ~ the door [until it was] open...