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How do you drop the last part of a number, which is of less importance?

Suppose you want to say a number to someone and, but you do not want to read it out the number completelyentirely because the last part of the number is not importantunimportant (at least to your audience). For exampleinstance, you want to mention that you waited one hour and something and something could be anything between one minute and 59 minutes. Of course, if it is one hour and 50 minutes then you may say I waited around two hours. This is not what I am looking for. I want my audience to know that it is more than one hour but less than two hours and it does not matter how much it is (or maybePerhaps, you intentionally don't want to give extra information).

In some situationscases, you mightmay want to say a number (which is not a time) in a similar manner. For example, consider the following numbers:

1.234 (you don't want to mention 0.234)

2115 (you don't want to mention 115)

1,345,000 (you don't want to mention 345,000)

What is (are) the common word/expression(s) to use in such situations?

How do you drop the last part of a number which is of less importance?

Suppose you want to say a number to someone and you do not want to read out the number completely because the last part of the number is not important (at least to your audience). For example, you want to mention that you waited one hour and something and something could be anything between one minute and 59 minutes. Of course, if it is one hour and 50 minutes then you may say I waited around two hours. This is not what I am looking for. I want my audience to know that it is more than one hour but less than two hours and it does not matter how much it is (or maybe you intentionally don't want to give extra information).

In some situations, you might want to say a number (which is not a time) in a similar manner. For example, consider the following numbers:

1.234 (you don't want to mention 0.234)

2115 (you don't want to mention 115)

1,345,000 (you don't want to mention 345,000)

What is (are) the common word/expression(s) to use in such situations?

How do you drop the last part of a number, which is of less importance?

Suppose you want to say a number to someone, but you do not want to read it out entirely because the last part of the number is unimportant (at least to your audience). For instance, you want to mention you waited one hour and something and something could be anything between one and 59 minutes. Of course, if it is one hour and 50 minutes then you may say I waited around two hours. This is not what I am looking for. I want my audience to know that it is more than one hour but less than two and it does not matter how much it is (Perhaps, you intentionally don't want to give extra information).

In some cases, you may want to say a number in a similar manner. For example, consider the following numbers:

1.234 (you don't want to mention 0.234)

2115 (you don't want to mention 115)

1,345,000 (you don't want to mention 345,000)

What is (are) the common word/expression(s) to use in such situations?

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Suppose you want to say a number to someone and you do not want to read out the number completely because the last part of the number is not important (at least to your audience). For example, you want to mention that you waited one hour and something and something could be anything between one minute and 59 minutes. Of course, if it is one hour and 50 minutes then you may say I waited around two hours. This is not what I am looking for. I want my audience to know that it is more than one hour but less than two hours and it does not matter how much it is (or maybe you intentionally don't want to give extra information).

In some situations, you might want to say a number (which is not a time) in a similar manner. For example, consider the following numbers:

1.234 (you don't want to mention 0.234)


2115 (you don't want to mention 115)


1,345,000 (you don't want to mention 345,000)

What is (are) the common word/expression(s) to use in such situations?

Suppose you want to say a number to someone and you do not want to read out the number completely because the last part of the number is not important (at least to your audience). For example, you want to mention that you waited one hour and something and something could be anything between one minute and 59 minutes. Of course, if it is one hour and 50 minutes then you may say I waited around two hours. This is not what I am looking for. I want my audience to know that it is more than one hour but less than two hours and it does not matter how much it is (or maybe you intentionally don't want to give extra information).

In some situations, you might want to say a number (which is not a time) in a similar manner. For example, consider the following numbers:

1.234 (you don't want to mention 0.234)


2115 (you don't want to mention 115)


1,345,000 (you don't want to mention 345,000)

What is (are) the common word/expression(s) to use in such situations?

Suppose you want to say a number to someone and you do not want to read out the number completely because the last part of the number is not important (at least to your audience). For example, you want to mention that you waited one hour and something and something could be anything between one minute and 59 minutes. Of course, if it is one hour and 50 minutes then you may say I waited around two hours. This is not what I am looking for. I want my audience to know that it is more than one hour but less than two hours and it does not matter how much it is (or maybe you intentionally don't want to give extra information).

In some situations, you might want to say a number (which is not a time) in a similar manner. For example, consider the following numbers:

1.234 (you don't want to mention 0.234)

2115 (you don't want to mention 115)

1,345,000 (you don't want to mention 345,000)

What is (are) the common word/expression(s) to use in such situations?

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How do you drop the last part of a number which is of less importantimportance?

Suppose you want to say a number to someone and you do not want to read out the number completely because the last part of the number is not important (at least to your audianceaudience). For example, you want to mention that you waited one hour and something and something could be anything between one minute and 59 minutes. Of course, if it is one hour and 50 minutes then you may say I waited around two hours. This is not what I am looking for. I want my audianceaudience to know that it is more than one hour but less than two hours and it does not matter how much it is (or maybe you intentionally don't want to give extra information).

In some situations, you might want to say a number (which is not a time) in a similar manner. For example, consider the following numbers:

1.234 (you don't want to mention 0.234)

2115 (you don't want to mention 115)

1,345,000 (you don't want to mention 345,000)

What is (are) the common word/expression(s) to use in such situations?

How do you drop the last part of a number which is of less important?

Suppose you want to say a number to someone and you do not want to read out the number completely because the last part of the number is not important (at least to your audiance). For example, you want to mention that you waited one hour and something and something could be anything between one minute and 59 minutes. Of course, if it is one hour and 50 minutes then you may say I waited around two hours. This is not what I am looking for. I want my audiance to know that it is more than one hour but less than two hours and it does not matter how much it is (or maybe you intentionally don't want to give extra information).

In some situations, you might want to say a number (which is not a time) in a similar manner. For example, consider the following numbers:

1.234 (you don't want to mention 0.234)

2115 (you don't want to mention 115)

1,345,000 (you don't want to mention 345,000)

What is (are) the common word/expression(s) to use in such situations?

How do you drop the last part of a number which is of less importance?

Suppose you want to say a number to someone and you do not want to read out the number completely because the last part of the number is not important (at least to your audience). For example, you want to mention that you waited one hour and something and something could be anything between one minute and 59 minutes. Of course, if it is one hour and 50 minutes then you may say I waited around two hours. This is not what I am looking for. I want my audience to know that it is more than one hour but less than two hours and it does not matter how much it is (or maybe you intentionally don't want to give extra information).

In some situations, you might want to say a number (which is not a time) in a similar manner. For example, consider the following numbers:

1.234 (you don't want to mention 0.234)

2115 (you don't want to mention 115)

1,345,000 (you don't want to mention 345,000)

What is (are) the common word/expression(s) to use in such situations?

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