In the NBC television series Chicago P.D, the character Sergeant Hank Voight (played by Jason Beghe) is a dirty cop who is associated with shady, unsavory characters in the Chicago underworld, regularly breaks police protocol and takes bribes.
However, despite his ruthless, morally ambiguous methods, Voight is extremely dedicated to the victims of his cases. Furthermore,he goes out of his way to protect and help vulnerable young people, and does have his fellow cops' and Chicago's best interests at heart.
So in the above context, what positive, negative word, or phrase can be used to describe a person like Sergeant Hank Voight who despite being corrupt is a kind person ? While researching, I came across the word Maverick in the thesaurus.Can the word Maverick be used in this context ?
Example Sentence :
Sergeant Hank Voight iscan be described as a ___________
I'm basically looking for words, terms that I can use inSo based on the above mentioned examplecontext,in this sentence. above, what word or phrase can be used ?