The term macroevolution is often abused (see the section "Misuse" in the Wikipedia article) by creationists who are referencing the Biblicalbiblical concept of immutable "kinds" of animals.
Is there a word or conveniently short phrase that could be employed to distinguish between evolution (both micro- and macroevolution) and the evolution of one "kind" into another?
Baraminology is a relevant topic that may be helpful.
Edit: I am definitely not asking for a new term.
The mental image conjured up by the term "macroevolution" (amoebas to apes) is much different from its actual scientific definition (anything changing at a taxonomical level). This seems to be the root of the problem.
I am looking for the way a scientist would describe grasshoppers-to-kittens "evolution" (This is what Creationists incorrectly use the term macroevolution to refer to), without including "speciation" which is what macroevolution really refers to.