I double-checked with my botany professor. She was as bamboozled as I was by your lecture notes, saying she's never seen a maple confused with an oak before.
- to perplex; mystify; confound.
Synonyms: befog, bewilder, puzzle, bafflebaffle, dumbfound.
- to perplex; mystify; confound. explains further
Bamboozle is one of those words that has been confounding etymologists for centuries. [...] By 1712, it had acquired the sense “to perplex; mystify.” It is not known for certain, but this sense might have emerged under the influence of the Scottish word bumbaze (or bombaze), meaning “to confuse,” similar in both sound and meaning. Given the befuddling qualities of alcohol, it's not too surprising to find that, in the 1800's, bamboozle showed up on college campuses as a slang term for “drunk.”