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James Waldby - jwpat7
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A picture is defined as "a painting or a drawing", with no other noun defintiondefinition (although one of the sub-definitions is "the image on a television screen"). Meanwhile an image is just "a representation of the external form of a person or thing."

Basically, an image can be a photograph, a painting, or a drawing (or even an optical appearance like in a mirror, lens, or hologram), but a picture can only be a painting or a drawing.

A picture is defined as "a painting or a drawing", with no other noun defintion (although one of the sub-definitions is "the image on a television screen". Meanwhile an image is just "a representation of the external form of a person or thing."

Basically, an image can be a photograph, a painting, or a drawing (or even an optical appearance like in a mirror, lens, or hologram), but a picture can only be a painting or a drawing.

A picture is defined as "a painting or a drawing", with no other noun definition (although one of the sub-definitions is "the image on a television screen"). Meanwhile an image is just "a representation of the external form of a person or thing."

Basically, an image can be a photograph, a painting, or a drawing (or even an optical appearance like in a mirror, lens, or hologram), but a picture can only be a painting or a drawing.

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A picture is defined as "a painting or a drawing", with no other noun defintion (although one of the sub-definitions is "the image on a television screen". Meanwhile an image is just "a representation of the external form of a person or thing."

Basically, an image can be a photograph, a painting, or a drawing (or even an optical appearance like in a mirror, lens, or hologram), but a picture can only be a painting or a drawing.