Latin and English (indogermanic/indoeuropean) are members of a completely different family of languages (Indogermanic/Indoeuropean) than Hebrew (semiticSemitic). SuffixSuffix has nothing to do with Hebrew, Janus explained it correctly. ImperiumImperium also has nothing to do with Hebrew. It is Latin and derives from impero, -as, -areimpero, -as, -are which means to"to order or to commandcommand" and which itself consists of imim- ("in") + parare parare (to"to prepare or to orderorder"). "Syfer" in Afrikaans (also indogermIndogerm./indoeuropIndoeurop.) or "Ziffer" in German are loanwords (via Italian) from Arabic "sifr" which itself seems to be a loanword or adaptionadaptation from Middle Greek or Old Indic, but I'd have to look that up.