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Sep 3, 2015 at 11:10 comment added ADTC On second thought, condition (where it means a state that must be fulfilled) can also be a good alternative (though not a synonym of necessity or requirement). For example, "What is the condition to be met, with regards to this item?" "The item is mandatory" or "The item is optional".
Sep 3, 2015 at 10:59 comment added ADTC I arrived here as I wanted to check if "requirement" would be the right fit. As it's a synonym of "necessity" (with high relevance according to, I think it works too. "Requirement" sounds more formal that "Necessity" and I'm using it as a header for a column where the values are "Mandatory" or "Optional".
Mar 6, 2015 at 14:27 comment added Waggers @Roman Necessity is the quality (parameter/variable), not the state/value - for that you might use "necessary", "mandatory" or an antonym such as "optional". Something like if (foo.necessity == 'mandatory') doSmth(); elseif (foo.necessity == 'optional') doSmthElse(); else doNecNotSet(); is what we're talking about here. Necessity doesn't hold true/false values, it holds values like "necessary", "mandatory", "optional" etc. But treating English like a programming language isn't always the best way to go, because it isn't one.
Feb 9, 2015 at 12:06 comment added Roman The problem with 'necessity' is that it doesn't play well in if-statements i.e. if (foo.necessity) doSmth() doesn't look good to me.
Apr 4, 2013 at 10:44 history answered Waggers CC BY-SA 3.0