First question to ask:
Who cares?
As in, if you make a grammar choice, and nobody is around to correct it, is it really wrong?
It's a great thing to seek to better oneself grammatically. Don't lose sight of the bigger picture: If one asks a question about an obscure word or phrase because the word or phrase is unknown to the one who asks, and the answer is so obscure nobody else in the audience would understand the term as the one who asks would use it, perhaps it's really not optimal to get a one-word-answer where a multi-word answer would be better understood.
There is, in any statement: What can be said, what should be said, what was said, and what was heard.
Just because a statement is made of English words in proper grammatical arrangement doesn't necessarily mean that the statement actually should be said or makes sense in content or context.
I'm not a fan of questions that begin with Is or Can.
How awkward would that song be: Once, twice, thrice a lady.
Or maybe it wouldn't be?
"Can I ...?"
I don't know, are you asking for permission or ability?
A question I'd like to ask:
Which is correct?
One plus One is three
One plus One are three
Personal reference: Corporate BS Generator
Ask yourself:
Is it grammatically correct? (or) Does it parse correctly grammar-wise?
Does it make sense?
Will your audience understand both the words and the meaning?
Is the intended meaning unambiguous?
Why is abbreviation such a long word?
Q: What's the smell of unicorn farts?
A: They smell like rainbows. And poop.
When do you leave out the preposition in a relative clause?
You usually leave out the proposition when the relative is your sister.
Q: Where is St. Nick?
A: Oh, he's over there by himself in the corner, behind the comma.
Q: Why?
A: To set off an independent Claus.
I need a device that enables me to reach higher heights. Should I choose a chair or ladder?
A: I chose the latter.
HTML cheatsheet:
10<sup>6</sup> is 106
6<sub>10</sub> is 610
< is <
> is >
& is &
– is –
— is —
· is ·
¢ is ¢
€ is €
£ is £
ConventionJan 9, 2015
DeputyNov 16, 2014
PunditFeb 1, 2015
single-word-requestsAug 20, 2015
TalkativeOct 21, 2014
CleanupJan 20, 2015