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  • Member for 1 year, 11 months
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  • General America
9 votes

Syntax of "What's going on at work these days that you're always on the phone?"

9 votes

Is there an order to prepositional phrases?

9 votes

Is there a term that describes reducing a person's identity to certain characteristics?

8 votes

Why does the name of the UK not change to UQ during the reign of a Queen?

8 votes

Are there any adverbs ending in -ly without an adjectival counterpart?

8 votes

What is the meaning of, “…a man who had no truck with looking back..”?

8 votes

Difference in logical inevitability between therefore/thus/hence

8 votes

Word for a nonbinary person who can transform into a wolf

8 votes

Why is "that" in the relative clause not a complementizer?

7 votes

"That promised land for which he was to prepare, but scarcely to enter" - why is this wrong rather than awkward?

7 votes

Creation in a Biblical sense of producing material out of nothing

7 votes

Why does the word "experience" have a different initial vowel from that in "expert" and "expertise"?

7 votes

When did the expression “hustle culture” emerge?

7 votes

What does “more physical” mean?

7 votes

What American accent pronounces color like collar?

7 votes

History of "via"

6 votes

Word for "Putting a Lot of People in One Place"

6 votes

Does "aide" always refer to a person?

6 votes

Is "deliberate choice" a pleonasm?

6 votes

Can you use 'amok' without 'run'? How?

6 votes

Super reduced pronunciation of the affix "anti"

6 votes

Is there a word for "a broad range of knowledge"?

6 votes

What is this parsing notation called?

6 votes

A word/phrase for something that often comes up in conversations

6 votes

Prepositions after, before etc. as temporal determiners

6 votes

What's a word for an operation or protocol that doesn't really matter but is done out of habit, tradition, or law, ceremonial, perfunctory?

5 votes

Taylor Swift - Use of "them" in her text "she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them"

5 votes

Difference between sentence structures and syntactic patterns?

5 votes

Passive sentences with no active counterparts

5 votes

Is the T in ‘mistook’ pronounced the same as the T in ‘mistake’ is?

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