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4rkain3's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
8 votes

Upvote to/for/on a post?

7 votes

Is "workflow" a word?

6 votes

"Haven't" vs. "hadn't"

4 votes

she had been working / she had worked

3 votes

Can I use "lardy-dardy" to describe a man's gay lisp and gesture?

3 votes

What is a single word for "Out of our control"

2 votes

Use "the" before a scientific method name?

2 votes

"stop to do something" vs. "continue to do something"

2 votes

How to say 100,500

2 votes

"crash someone's couch” vs “crash on someone's couch”

1 vote

"Not only" and "but also" separated by a full stop

1 vote

Is it Sparsest or Most Sparse?

0 votes

articles when not to use

-1 votes

Using "meantime" as an adjective

-2 votes

How do you correctly say large numbers