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davarinofuntucson's user avatar
davarinofuntucson's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
39 votes

Are "w/o", "w/", "b/c" common abbreviations in the US?

6 votes

't' pronounced as 'ch'

6 votes

Is there a 1950's American accent?

5 votes

Should ordinal indicators be inline?

3 votes

English equivalent of the Hindi phrase "छुपा रुस्तम" (chupa rustam)

2 votes

What's a word for avoiding a question with a generic (fake) answer?

2 votes

General Rules for Creating Abbreviations

2 votes

Is there another way to say 'working on'?

2 votes

"The later part of the 20th century" vs. "the latter part of the 20th century"

1 vote

Self-Learner vs Self-Taught vs Autodidact

1 vote

Would you use a period after text: Thank you for helping to build the new building

1 vote

How to use AP Style commas after dates

1 vote

Why "sense of humour"?

0 votes

When is it appropriate to end a question without a question mark?

0 votes

Is the word "clinic", as in a basketball clinic, a natural and "warm" choice compared to alternatives such as "camp" and "program"?

0 votes

Which word fits better in this case: focused, aimed or oriented?

0 votes

Returning for the nth time

0 votes

"Would of course be" vs. "of course would be"

0 votes

Is the "will" in "can and will" necessary?

0 votes

English word for a decorated opening letter

-2 votes

Difference between misfunction and malfunction