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KarlG's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
233 votes

What do you call this black, rectangular clamp in English?

160 votes

How did English retain its non-Christian names of the week?

102 votes

How come people say “Would of”?

69 votes

Unfrosted light bulb

62 votes

Meaning of "bull" in Byron's "this is no bull, although it sounds so"

61 votes

Meaning of the phrase "womp womp" in American English?

47 votes

Is it true that English has no future tense?

45 votes

What is the word for pronouncing ‘th’ as ‘v’ as part of your English accent?

44 votes

How did "to draw" shift to mean "to depict with lines"?

40 votes

"War room" and "Wardroom"

31 votes

What does "bad girls go backstage" mean?

29 votes

Is there a familial term for apples and pears?

26 votes

What do you call the cap on dish-washing detergent bottles?

26 votes

What's wrong with "the Poincaré" in "the Poincaré conjecture"?

24 votes

What’s the origin and history of the phrase “ten foot pole”?

23 votes

Who changed the way vacumn was spelled 40 years ago?

22 votes

What is "pendant natural" in this UN report?

19 votes

"Mouth-breathing" as slang for stupidity

18 votes

Use of 'female' and 'male' (in science fiction)

18 votes

Why are there 4 ambiguous phonetic symbols in IPA representations of English?

18 votes

What does "party-speak" mean in this sentence?

17 votes

Can "would" be used twice in an English conditional sentence and still be grammatical?

16 votes

Wash me, but don’t make me wet!

16 votes

Is recepted a word?

15 votes

In horse breeding, what is the female equivalent of putting a horse out "to stud"?

15 votes

How can I say I can't guarantee information I'm about to give is correct?

15 votes

Irregular verbs: the history of the suffix “-en” in the past participle

15 votes

Opposite for "gold standard" for a benchmark of awfulness

15 votes

Is Robert Oppenheimer's phrase “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” grammatical in English?

14 votes

An artificially sweetened drink

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