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Billeeb's user avatar
Billeeb's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Twitter
  • Lumaparksvägen, Stockholm, Sverige
13 votes

Why are the United States often referred to as America?

6 votes

Usage and meaning of "plus"

5 votes

Why are days of the week proper nouns?

3 votes

What does "I am married with three kids" mean?

2 votes

What is the difference between "anyone" and "everyone" in this context

2 votes

Why isn't "Secretary of State" (a proper noun) being capitalized?

2 votes

Past continuous or past simple?

1 vote

"Tip" or "tips" of your fingers?

1 vote

Using (or not) the word "to" in a sentence ending with "be able"

1 vote

What does "to come undone" actually mean?

0 votes

Adjectives as qualifiers

0 votes

Should you use “it” or “they” when referencing a group of people?

0 votes

What is a word called that has more than one syllable?

0 votes

What is the difference between "probably" and "possibly"?

0 votes

What do you call the words obtained by inversing the order of the sounds?

0 votes

"Bob and us" or "Bob and we" or "Bob and ourselves"?

0 votes

Is there any rule for the placement of space after and before parentheses?

-1 votes

Which one is grammatically correct, with "have" or without "have"?

-1 votes

Using both “one’s” and “their” to refer to the same entity