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Andrew Leach's user avatar
Andrew Leach
  • Member for 12 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

Noun form of Obsolescent

1 vote

Synonym for "of my production"

4 votes

Harry Vandiver's comment on the infinitude of Wilson primes

0 votes

Capitalisation (or not?!) of 'von' and 'de' at start of sentence after full stop

10 votes

Can we use 3rd person singular for "Come Find"?

5 votes

What preposition should I use with "proficuous"?

9 votes

Are names of chemicals not proper nouns?

7 votes

Is "estop" a good alternative for academic writing instead of "preclude"?

4 votes

What is a word for battery "longevity"?

40 votes

Term for a single piece of jargon

2 votes

People now say "back in 1985" or "way back in 1965" instead of just saying "in 1985" or "in 1965". Why this change?

9 votes

How to pluralise a proper noun that ends with an adjective

11 votes

Merriam-Webster definition of "Sheeps"

6 votes

Is "factoral" a legitimate word, or could it be a typo?

2 votes

To which time period does an expression like 'the night of Feb 21st' refer to?

1 vote

How do I read aloud a range of years with a slash?

4 votes

type of apple vs type of apples

1 vote

Where to place a note number within a list

1 vote

How do you interpret 'high risk eggs' in this context?

3 votes

Definition of 'uncle-in-law'

1 vote

To use "contribute" or "contributes following more items?

3 votes

be highest or be the highest?

5 votes

What does "neat" mean in 1950s slang as a noun referring to a person? (see: Grease)

1 vote

Can "particularly" mean the opposite of "especially"?

3 votes

What is the meaning of "partial cloaks"

2 votes

What is the word that describes willingness of a human or even an animal to provide value to others in general?

3 votes

How does one pronounce "dwam"?

1 vote

How did the word clerical come to mean office work?

21 votes

The counterpart of "facial" for head

2 votes

What do you call someone who is being escorted?

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