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Michael Seifert's user avatar
Michael Seifert
  • Member for 8 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • New London, CT
42 votes

Term for group of guys attempting to show who is alpha?

38 votes

Replacement for "pegged" in "pegged for disposal"

37 votes

Does calling something a 'Novelty Act' bring down its image?

30 votes

What is the word for a belief that is nearly universally rejected?

29 votes

Difference between 'Candor' and 'Sincerity'

27 votes

How can you lift an elephant with one hand?

21 votes

What is the American version of the word ''tearaway''? (a young person who behaves in an uncontrolled way and is often causing trouble)

19 votes

How to express happiness on someone's failure?

18 votes

What is the idiom, expression or proverb for 'If you let them use you once they will use you for life'?

16 votes

A verb for "picking small bits of food from the tray or the main plate before it is served or others have started eating"

14 votes

Term to describe the relationship between two people when they share an Alma Mater

13 votes

Proverb for someone who mistakenly assumes he has found the right answer and is unwilling to accept his error?

10 votes

Single word for "refusing to move to next activity unless present one is completed."

9 votes

How do I describe when someone is in possession of something they haven't been given

8 votes

What does "heraldic cognisance" mean in this paragraph?

8 votes

Who is the person in charge of the vehicles within a company?

7 votes

Word for physical resistance / resisting another's onslaught?

7 votes

Is there a term for 'Era when the gods walked amongst men'?

6 votes

Word for a collection of awards, such as an Olympic athlete’s earned medals

5 votes

A term for a woman complaining about things/begging in a cute/childish way

5 votes

A verb for when we actively extract information from others?

4 votes

What's the Idiom or typical expression when a person "takes a joke further"

4 votes

Synonym for prostrating on the ground, typically in worship or submission, starts with 'g'

4 votes

Something appears valuable or precious but it isn't, symbolically equivalent to Pyrite?

3 votes

Is there a word or phrase for one mistaken belief leading to a web of false ones?

3 votes

What is a tune or song called that is recurrently used so people start to associate the tune or song with that what it is used with?

3 votes

Non-pejorative synonym of "notoriety"

3 votes

What noun means opposite of "slacker" but is less extreme than "overachiever"?

3 votes

A return of money that won't be counted against an order's balance

3 votes

Wishful thinking to the point of lunacy