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Stu W
  • Member for 8 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
106 votes

Is there an idiom for "winning a contest because you were the only participant"?

29 votes

What do you call a person who talks about nothing but himself?

24 votes

Is it ever correct to have a space before a question or exclamation mark?

15 votes

Word for sound of a crowd talking all around you

14 votes

What's the adjective for someone who isn't loose with their thoughts/opinions/judgements?

11 votes

What is the sign, used in documentation, that means illegible--in the same fashion as [sic]?

10 votes

Term for "professional" who doesn't make their living from that kind of work

8 votes

Two year's experience or two years' experience or two years experience?

7 votes

Word for someone who expects something to go wrong

6 votes

How to express happiness on someone's failure?

6 votes

Someone believes something is going to be a certain way so they think it is?

5 votes

What would be the metric equivalent of “inching” (or a workable alternative)?

5 votes

Can the word "slash" (/) be used in writing?

5 votes

Did 'lawyer' have a broader meaning in Shakespeare's time?

5 votes

How would you say that a woman/spirit has big breasts in a politely/politically correct way? (Folk Story)

5 votes

Word for the *other* day in a two-day cycle

5 votes

The proper word for a person who accompanies a patient

4 votes

Saying a number digit by digit

4 votes

Is "all together" a valid alternative to "altogether" in US English?

4 votes

Why isn't "Secretary of State" (a proper noun) being capitalized?

4 votes

Repeating word "Professor" in a list of professors in US

4 votes

Are houses masculine or feminine?

4 votes

“Infamous” used in a positive sense?

4 votes

$12 psychological term

4 votes

Does the appositive in this sentence need to be set off with commas?

4 votes

Word for sarcasm/facetiousness where the core statement is true

3 votes

Alternative for "It is also..."

3 votes

Which is correct? Non-recurring, Nonrecurring or non recurring?

3 votes

Term for someone who does more for strangers than family for friends

3 votes

Can a choice be subconscious?

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