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phoog's user avatar
phoog's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
  • New York, NY
4 votes

Best article to use in complex-compound sentence

4 votes

Prefixes hyphenated or spaced

3 votes

is there a rule to determine whether a word is a closed compound word

3 votes

Can ‘pants’, ‘glasses’, ‘scissors’, et similar in the sense of “a pair of [..]” take singular-number verbs? Why or why not?, Which ones / Which not?

3 votes

Is "complexification" a valid word?

3 votes

What does it mean?

3 votes

Is it correct to say -1th or -1st?

3 votes

Good term for remaining items after filtering

3 votes

Coordinate as a point in space?

3 votes

"As a [noun]" followed by mismatching subject

3 votes

"Will graduate" vs. "will be graduated" vs. "is going to graduate"

3 votes

How to correctly express volume units

3 votes

Why do we ask "Who is she?" in the subjective form?

3 votes

the function of "the" in the following sentence.

2 votes

Some + Countable Noun: True Only When Plural?

2 votes

What do you call the protruding square structures on the top of a tower?

2 votes

Noun usage of "optimum"

2 votes

How is that correct: "speed is faster" or "prices are cheaper"

2 votes

"No need to hurry yet..."

2 votes

So… "whom I would trust" OR "who I would trust" — which is correct?

2 votes

Is it correct to say "to sacrifice A for B" or "to sacrifice A over B"?

2 votes

Ownership by other people, but not a collective

2 votes

Can 'atypical' be used for 'difficult'?

2 votes

do you use " The" with mathematical methods?

2 votes

The meaning of "make it into"

2 votes

What is change of billing?

2 votes

Abroad or onboard

2 votes

Since the terms 'Briton', 'Britain', etc., seem to be exclusionary towards the Irish and other non-Britons, what would can we use instead?

2 votes

Why use "modeless" as the opposite of "modal" in UI design?

2 votes

Whom can I trust, if not ____. a) he b) him which one is grammatical?