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Ron Kyle's user avatar
Ron Kyle
  • Member for 13 years
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
11 votes

Someone who "eats like a ..." is someone who eats a lot or has a huge appetite

10 votes

Cowboy verb for roping and dragging an animal or person?

5 votes

Alternatives to the expression "poor man's <noun>"

3 votes

Is "I'm screwed" a rude expression?

3 votes

What is this kind of question known as?

3 votes

Meaning of "sensorily"

2 votes

Difference in meaning: "would have had to be" vs "would have had to have been"

2 votes

"Research" vs "research paper."

2 votes

How does 1:30 sound?

2 votes

However in the middle of a sentence

2 votes

What would you call it when somebody complains about something that is given to them?

2 votes

What is the difference between "simulate" and "emulate"?

2 votes

What does "XP and Loot effects work through Level 10" mean?

1 vote

Comparing two people's cleverness at a particular age

1 vote

Difference between "buy" and "purchase"

1 vote

If Americans go to the toilet in the bathroom, where do they take a bath?

1 vote

What does the word 'sport' mean?

1 vote

I'm requested to send me

1 vote

Usage of "whereabouts"

1 vote

Plural form of these two sentences

1 vote

What is the difference between "into" and "onto"?

0 votes

If the plural of ‘man’ is ‘men,’ shouldn’t the plural of ‘German’ be ‘Germen’?

0 votes

How should one make "man in the middle" plural?

0 votes

"We're all each other has"

0 votes

Let me pull up your account

0 votes

Scan through the video versus scan the video

0 votes

Do I understand the phrase "due time pal" correctly?

0 votes

after reading the subject

0 votes

An adjective for "extremely naive, almost dumb"

0 votes

Should a quotation starting with a vowel stay Capitalized?