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Ronnie Smith's user avatar
Ronnie Smith's user avatar
Ronnie Smith
  • Member for 9 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
11 votes

What is a thing called that takes measurements?

7 votes

What's a correct expression for professions in which you do a lot of sitting?

5 votes

What do you call someone who doesn't back down?

4 votes

What single word encompasses all of a person's social media & Internet presence?

4 votes

"Pass me by" or "pass by me"?

3 votes

What is a word for what gladiators do?

3 votes

A correct word for 'learnful'

3 votes

Why "be king", not "be a king"?

2 votes

What is the best word (or term) to identify pronouncing W's for L's and R's?

2 votes

What do you call a person who chooses to ignore someone at specific periods of time

2 votes

A single word for "hurting of one's pride"

2 votes

Someone who is cunning but depicts themselves as innocent to others

2 votes

A shorter form of question "Did it happen by coincidence?"

2 votes

Single word that describes a boat stop / dropoff point

2 votes

What is a word for someone who tries to be clever?

2 votes

A snappy and inoffensive alternative for "calm your tits"

2 votes

When an anthropomorphized animal eats/is eaten by a human, is there a word similar to *cannibalism* that applies?

2 votes

When someone ruins all the good they have ever done!

2 votes

Is there a word for discontent with the present in favor of the past?

1 vote

Is there a word for "look and feel"?

1 vote

What sound do blinds make in English?

1 vote

Is there a non-gendered term for "gentlemanly"

1 vote

Word request: awareness of one's own lack of awareness

1 vote

Are there prefixes which have the meaning 'originating from within', or 'originating from outside'?

1 vote

Non-technical word or phrase to describe a data "query"

1 vote

A word that means an undeniable statement, stated emphatically

1 vote

A word that fits the concept of "only do something once, and only when it is needed"

1 vote

Can you sort by random?

1 vote

"How do you...?" --> "You have to...?" / "I have to...?"

1 vote

Verb that means "flutter" without the connotation of control