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Raku's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 9 years ago
3 votes

Formally introducing yourself in an email

2 votes

What is the word for "making something proper"

1 vote

Origin of "Given up the ghost"

6 votes

What did Steve Jobs mean by “Technology married with Liberal Arts” in his last speech?

1 vote

How to divide words into syllables?

-2 votes

What is a word/phrase for using a term for a popular special case instead of a generic term?

14 votes

Difference between "dawn" and "realize"

3 votes

Word(s) to describe a set of things, which can't be empty

2 votes

Part of a dentist's chair

8 votes

Is "audience" singular or plural?

1 vote

What's a word that can mean both "good" and "bad"?

5 votes

Are things embedded in a "bed"?

2 votes

Is it correct that "etc." can not be used together in a sentence with "for example" and "such as"?

2 votes

What should one call his or her mother-in-law?

2 votes

I <verb> and am <rest of sentence>

-1 votes

Is it true that you are supposed to put two spaces after the end of a sentence?

6 votes

Why don't Americans write "devor" instead of "devour"?

1 vote

How many articles should go in "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"?

4 votes

What are general rules to form this superlatives: "adjective + most"?

2 votes

"Did what I say/said make sense to you?"

0 votes

"Seeing visions" versus "having visions"

0 votes

"How long do we have?"

5 votes

Differences between dialects

10 votes

What is the plural of 'sorry'?

2 votes

'Drop us a line' - letter or phone call?

3 votes

Term for guest’s obligations to host

5 votes

"How did I do this" or "how did I do that"?

1 vote

Use of "submitting" or "submit" in sentence

5 votes

Differences between "tutorial", "guide" and "how-to"

1 vote

Do "download" and "upload" only refer to networks?