Is this where I tell you I'm qualified? I've got a piece of paper in philosophy with emphases on epistemology and language, and another piece of paper for my further studies in linguistics and neuroscience. I'm interested also in nonverbal communication, especially with populations without language (people with certain disabilities and non-human animals). I'm learning Spanish, which is steadily eroding my French and German while reminding me of both my proficiency and shortcomings in English.
I've been taking pictures for longer than I can remember, have developed and printed my own black and white film, and printed my own colour film. I also have bizarrely good colour differentiation and retention skills. (I can match thread to absent fabric I haven't seen in months.) SLRs have fallen by the wayside since digital, and now I want to start with a D-SLR.
Or, if it's hobbies this section is after, reading, animals (including all leg numbers), travel, and photography belong here.
P.S. The monkey who has draped herself around my shoulders is a young rescued spider monkey at a refuge in Costa Rica. She didn't take the selfie, I did.