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Mark Wallace's user avatar
Mark Wallace
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
13 votes

Is there a term for words that when reversed, form other words?

12 votes

Is there a term I can use for a boss's favorite employee?

11 votes

Why is 'to' not used before 'home'?

11 votes

"Picking up your litter puts road-workers at risk" — is this strangely-worded road sign grammatically correct?

9 votes

"Analysis" vs. "analyses"

8 votes

Recur vs. Reoccur

7 votes

Is it OK to add a question mark to show inflection?

5 votes

Why do people who find it hard to hear say they are "hard of hearing"?

4 votes

Ripe with Opportunity? Or Rife?

4 votes

'Depend upon' or 'depend on'

3 votes

Why do we say that a plane is "en route"?

3 votes

What phrase is "you betcha" a descendant of?

3 votes

Does "will" and other auxiliary verbs spread on all the sentence?

3 votes

Is "Them’s fighting words" a right and received English expression?

3 votes

Which is more correct "fewer than hundred people" or "less than hundred people"?

3 votes


2 votes

"They don't use either of them" versus "They don't use any of them"?

2 votes

Why a dash in this example?

2 votes

Is there a term for the part of a sentence that is in the form "Customers who ..." or "Products that ..."?

2 votes

How does one pronounce "nihilism"?

2 votes

Is "girls" a suitable complementary term to go along with "guys"?

2 votes

What's the inverse of "scalable" — capable to be broken down further and further?

2 votes

"Transitioning" vs. "transitional" phase

2 votes

Volitional sentence vs. imperative sentence

1 vote

If someone is an expert in written (rather than spoken) language, can they still be called a "linguist"?

1 vote

Is there a word for "umming"?

1 vote

Is the word "single" necessary to be added when specifying a thing?

1 vote

Do I have to use the auxiliary before all the verbs?

1 vote

Use of "it" in titles

1 vote

Verb agreement with subjects of different grammatical number