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How to get rid of pronoun ambiguity?

Hopefully this (late) answer won't seem too perverse: You resolve ambiguity by providing context. Often there is the question "Is this sentence ambiguous," presenting for judgement a single ...
Andy Bonner's user avatar
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When should I use proximity rule in English grammar, and how to use pronouns?

As it stands, the sentence is ambiguous. Even the proximity rule cannot help much, as both interpretations are plausible. In the proper context, you might be able to disambiguate. Otherwise, it is ...
fev's user avatar
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"In sober fact" meaning

OED defines it as: 1619– Moderate, sensible; free from exaggeration; not fanciful or imaginative. How much or how little of sober fact there may be in those thrilling is impossible to ...
fev's user avatar
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including the material [commodity] means for this

The passage states that having both negative and positive freedoms are of "fundamental importance". Several examples of negative freedoms are listed. Positive freedoms are not as clearly ...
Ellie Kesselman's user avatar
2 votes

Can ambiguity arise from the "that" in a that-clause being misinterpreted as a determiner?

So am I correct about the that being ambiguous in these examples? No: Because context. So am I correct about the that being ambiguous in these examples? "I think that rice is a good crop" ...
Greybeard's user avatar
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Can ambiguity arise from the "that" in a that-clause being misinterpreted as a determiner?

You can't have such an indeterminacy: if you have a taht-clause, then, necessarily there is a verb somewhere after "that". In the particular case of mathematical text, that (that) you are ...
LPH's user avatar
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What is the ambiguity in the sentence "I know a man who has a dog with fleas"

It can be parsed in two ways: I know [a man who has a dog] with fleas. I know a man who has a [dog with fleas]. So either the man or the dog could be the one with fleas. In practice it's not ...
Barmar's user avatar
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How to tell the difference of "echo", "resonate", and "strike a chord"? Do native speakers often use these three word together?

"resonate" and "strike a chord" have similar meanings. In fact, the M-W definition of "resonate" uses the latter phrase: to relate harmoniously : strike a chord Saying ...
Barmar's user avatar
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What words/phrases can grammatically specify groupings to remove ambiguity in statements?

Your question makes it clear that you already know that there are various ways of dealing with this matter, which kind of, sort of work, but none of which is guaranteed to work perfectly in every ...
jsw29's user avatar
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What words/phrases can grammatically specify groupings to remove ambiguity in statements?

For many simple situations where you need to change the operation order from that of the order of written or spoken operations, you can invoke parentheses with the word quantity. But you need to be ...
Phil Sweet's user avatar
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Are there examples of triple entendres in English?

There are many triple entendres in HipHop, although not respected by most writers and english enthusiasts, HipHop has produce some of the most wittiest lines I've personally ever heard. Eminem-Zeus &...
Rvlvr's user avatar
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Meaning and Usage of "comma" and "claimed"

Is the expression, "claimed" applicable to "value of goods or services and compensation, if any," or only to "compensation, if any,"? "Claimed" applies to the ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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