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This tag is for questions about expressions. Expressions are words or phrases used to convey an idea, or else a particular term used conventionally to express something. Consider phrase-requests and expression-requests if you are looking for an expression, phrase-meaning if you are unsure about the usage of a given phrase.

1 vote

what does "Never far from the surface"mean?

The turn-of-phrase means something isn't completely buried and is liable to rise again, (or come out of hiding) at any time. For instance, "political correctness simply masks prejudices that are never …
harrylane's user avatar
0 votes

Is there a noun(phrase) meaning 'the state' of being a masterpiece?

There seems to be an art-blindness happening with the word "masterpiece" in that it originally was the work a graduating apprentice was expected to make that included all techniques learned and execut …
harrylane's user avatar