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4 votes

Without compromising on neither/either?

In standard English (of whichever part of the English speaking world), explicitly negative words and phrases such as no, none,never, nowhere, neither, and nor cannot be used within the scope of anoth …
Colin Fine's user avatar
  • 77.9k
1 vote

British English / a strange way of using neither nor

Standard Englishes don't allow negative polarity words (none, nowhere, never, neither) to be used with explicit negation (not, isn't). So your sentence is not grammatical in any standard English. Th …
Colin Fine's user avatar
  • 77.9k
2 votes

Neither or nor in this sentence

If you want to keep that structure, it needs to be I do not ride a bike. Neither/nor do I ride a horse with that inversion (do I). The inversion makes it slightly literary in tone, but is requ …
Colin Fine's user avatar
  • 77.9k
15 votes

XXIII, neither IIIXX nor XIIIX, represents 23. Is it correct grammar?

I would say that it is probably grammatical, but because 'neither' is not common introducing a clause like that, it is very confusing: it is not clear on first reading what the relationship is between …
Colin Fine's user avatar
  • 77.9k
3 votes

Why is it "either . . . or" and "neither . . . nor"?

I'm not quite sure what you're asking. Is it why we have negative-polarity terms for both arms of the conjunction? If so, that is something that many languages have, and certainly strikes me as natura …
Colin Fine's user avatar
  • 77.9k