***meh***  According to Merriam Webster, **meh** is:








> —used to express indifference or mild disappointment  
> First Known Use of meh: 1992 
> adjective       
> 1 : not impressive : so-so ·a meh documentary 
> 2 : apathetic, indifferent ·the movie left me feeling meh

The [Oxford English Dictionary](http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/35993760?redirectedFrom=meh#eid) also lists **meh**, with definition very similar to that of M-W.  However, the OED suggest an earliest use of "1928 or earlier."  **Meh** has made it into the NY Times, as quoted by the OED:

> 2012   N.Y. Times (National ed.) 1 Nov. b13/1   Who else could they
> root for? The Chicago Bulls? Impossible. The Boston Celtics?
> Unconscionable. The team in New Jersey? Meh

and into other mainstream publications

> 2010   Time Out N.Y. 20 May 52/1   While this seems like an also-ran
> collection..even meh Picasso is better than a lot of the stuff out
> there.

The word is often uttered with a shrug of the shoulders and a deprecating expression on the face.  I always assumed that the origin of **meh** was Yiddish, and was surprised to find, in [meh, Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meh#Origin) that its origin is speculative:

> The origin is unknown. Some have speculated that the term's origin is
> Yiddish because of its similarity to the interjection "feh",[3] which
> appears in the 1936 Yiddish song Yidl Mitn Fidl. In Alexander
> Harkavy's "Yiddish-English-Hebrew Dictionary" the word is treated as a
> bleating or baa sound. Hooray for Yiddish, by Leo Rosten uses the word
> "mnyeh", which is speculated to be an early variant of "meh".