I'm a bit confused about using the correct preposition in the following sentences. Which one sounds correct? >1. On the Google play store 2. In the Google play store What about the following examples? >3. Search on/in the Google ... 4. Find it in/on the Google ... I searched *[on the Google][1]* and *[in the Google][2]* and it seems people use them both. Which of the following is more idiomatic? >1. You can search the google play store 2. You can find it in the google play store 3. It's in the google play store. 4. You can find it on google play. Does the preposition "in" sound better to you with "the", and "on" sounds better without the definite article? In that example would you only say "in the" with "store" and "on" without "store"? [1]: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22on+the+google%22 [2]: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22in+the+google%22