> The role of John The Baptist of the New Testament **echoes/recalls** > that of Elijah the Prophet of the Old Testament. **echo** (v.) > To repeat details that are similar to, and make you think of, > something else: > > *The design of the church **echoes** that of St. Paul's Cathedral*. >[Cambridge][1] **recall** (v.) > To cause you to think of a particular event, situation, or style: > > *His paintings **recall** the style of Picasso.* >[Cambridge][2] If you are writing, I would avoid the informal group genitive: "[John The Baptist of the New Testament]'s role" because it can be (mis)read as the role of the New Testament. We get away with this construction in speech when we start a sentence, paint ourselves into a corner, and use a group genitive to save us from restarting and rephrasing. But we should rewrite to avoid something like "The boy I saw on the corner yesterday's father is my professor." [1]: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/echo [2]: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/recall