I'm translating a text about an antifungal cream sold in aluminum tubes. The plastic cap of each tube has a spike in it used to break the foil/seal in the neck of the tube. I'm not sure what these spikes are usually called. I googled but failed to find a description. It is **spike** or some other term? [![enter image description here][1]][1] P.S. Original in Russian: > 15 г крема в алюминиевой запечатанной тубе с белым полиэтиленовым колпачком, имеющим **перфорационный пробойник**. > > Проколите запечатывающую мембрану при помощи **острия** на внешней стороне колпачка. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/rsYL0m.jpg