Yesterday, a newcomer named Pen posted the following answer: >*We grew up calling them 'holidays'*. The answer has since been deleted. It seemed an odd answer, but it didn't sound offensive or gratuitous to me. So, I looked online and found the following definitions: >[Painting and Coatings Terms and Definitions][1] > >**Holidays**: Application defect whereby small areas are left uncoated. Synonyms: *Misses*, *Skips*, *Voids*, *Discontinuities*, *Vacations*. and from *[Coating Defects-Common Coating Failures and Causes][2]* > - Coating Defects: ***Runs***, ***Sags***, ***Curtains***, ***Wrinkles*** [![enter image description here][3]][3] >*Runs*, *sags*, *curtains*, or *wrinkles* may be caused or worsened by: applying the coating too thickly, using too much thinner or using the wrong thinner, surface too hot to apply the coating, applying a coating at the end of its pot life, wrong thixotrope used in manufacturing , improper spray technique. > > - Discontinuities: ***Skips***, ***Holidays***, and ***Missed Areas*** These defects are exposed areas of the substrate or previous coating, caused by poor application technique, lack of stripe coating, and/or lack of or poor inspection. Quick recognition and repair means the repair is easier and it will blend in better. If the drips or ‘sags’ are large then the term **[curtains][4]**, used in the painting industry, is also appropriate. >**Curtains** >Large sagging or runs of paint due to improper application. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: