There is already a UD entry, and a pending one for [Collins Dictionary][1]: 


> - (n.) When you want to say "coverage" but your hands are too small to hit all the letters on your keyboard.
> - ***Originated from Donald Trump's tweet: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe"***

Also from  [][3]:

> - “Covfefe” is a misspelling of the word “coverage” mistakenly tweeted by President Donald Trump in late May 2017. ***The tweet was left up for more than six hours before being deleted, leading to a slew of puns, jokes, and confusion, resulting in #covfefe becoming the #1 trending hashtag in the world and prompting coverage from multiple news outlets.***

From [][4]:

> -  ***President Donald Trump has responded after confounding the web with a cryptic, late night tweet,*** though he still hasn't cleared up the meaning of the word "covfefe".
> - Right around midnight on Tuesday, the President sent a strange message to his 31 million Twitter followers, which simply read: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe." The tweet was not immediately deleted and accumulated more than 100,000 retweets and hundreds of humorous reactions before it was finally removed from the site.
> - ***Now Trump has responded to the mystery surrounding his newly-minted word, which continues to trend on Twitter. "Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy!"***  he wrote in a tweet sent early Wednesday morning, clearly enjoying the attention the presumed-typo garnered overnight.
