***To come full circle*** could work. Here are several definitions of the phrase:

> To return to the same situation or attitude you originally had. *I left publishing, tried teaching, and now I've come full circle back to publishing.*<sup>[[1][1]]</sup>

> When something “comes full circle,” it completes a cycle, returns to its beginnings: “The novelist's vision of human life has come full circle—from optimism to pessimism and back to optimism again.”<sup> [[2][2]]</sup>


<sup>1</sup> [The Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms © 2002][1]
  [1]: http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/come+full+circle
<sup>2</sup> [The American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition][2] © 2005
  [2]: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/come-full-circle